Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Bruce and Betty show airs tomorrow am on 1061 the Corner

O.K. so "Show" is a strong word. But I am excited this opportunity to further Betty's mission to support your current efforts to go green and hopefully offer some new tips.

This 10 minute interview will be airing tomorrow morning at 8:45ish. This is a part of a rotating interview segment (Adrienne Young, local singer/songwriter and creator of "Backyard Revolution will be heard every other Friday) which will help further green consciousness in our community.

I will be sharing the mike with Bruce Edmonds of the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority, whom you may have heard me talk about as Betty's go-to recycling guru for answers from BWB followers when she doesn't have the slightest idea (recent example: I didn't know the Ivy MUC facility takes accepts old sinks and sells them). Don't let his gruff voice fool you. He cares about his work. (Why else would he hang out at Crutchfield's recycling event from dawn until dusk!) He's been in the recycling biz for over 20 years and really knows his stuff and he's been a big fan of Betty from the beginning.

I hope it's fun and helpful. Either way with the two of us (pretty opposite at first glance anyway, it's sure to be interesting!

Catch us on the air tomorrow morning at 8:45ish.


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