Thursday, April 19, 2012

From Tweet Ignorance to FB Bliss!

From Tweet Ignorance to FB Bliss!
Highlights from Telling Your Story:
the Last Lunch n’ Learn of the Better Business Challenge, April 19, 2012
Water Street Conference Center, Downtown Cville

I thoroughly enjoyed Marijean Jaggers talk on social media at the last Lunch n’ Learn of the Better Business Challenge today! She has a friendly, pragmatic yet compelling invitation for businesses to really make the most of this medium. Not to mention, she really knows her stuff. What a great way to end the Lunch n’ Learn series! Businesses have been engaged and involved in taking up their efficiency and stewardship levels up a notch or three. Now is the time to tell your clients, customers, and community at large what you’ve been up to.

Modern life is complicated these days (I’m juggling the Challenge with 50 volunteers and 106 businesses, trying to make my non-profit financially sustainable, and single mommin it with two elementary-age boys) and I’m sure yours is no different. But I’m seeing and hearing first-hand the difference social media is making.

Big Takeaways for me and maybe you:
*Some folks have said, “Betty needs to be on Pinterest.” This is phase three. I remember 1st came Facebook, then came twitter, I guess this is next. For me, it’s always a matter of time. Interesting that 97% of Pinterest folks are women and it’s the 3rd largest social media platform after 1- FB (800 million on there every day) and 2-Twitter

*Studies show that small biz who blog regularly receive 55% more website visitors. Tweetdeck and Hootsuite are great management tools

* can measure the impact of social media and give you an “influence” score. Check it out!

*Don’t link facebook and twitter posts – boring

*Don’t put a profile pic of your cat up – people want to see your face. I couldn’t agree more. Esp since I’m not a cat person AT ALL.
*MUST spiff up my LinkedIn in terms of my personal and professional next step post Challenge (‘tween grants y’all). Ask for recommendation when appropriate (like the end of a project – ah hemmm)
*Good heads up on the lingo on twitter, facebook and linked-in profiles – it’s not necessarily your title but searchable keywords in those short profiles and include something personal

*New Facebook Timeline: It’s time to update your cover image. (oops – haven’t done that!)

*CONNECTING: That’s what all this is about. Finding and cross-linking networks. People are looking for info, so businesses can join those conversations!

*LISTENING: Marijean recommends social monitoring – her favorite: socialmention with a side of google alert

* – can measure your online influence

*ENGAGE: The great thing about Charlottesville is that people 1- patronize according to their values and are willing to pay a bit more to align those values with the businesses they patronize (validation of what Betty has been saying to businesses). More and more folks are looking to business to play a role in social good. Recently I came across a stat that said people when given two relatively same product choice are much more likely to buy a cause-related product. People care and they want businesses to care.

*Also, people want to know the story behind the business, the people behind the business. Charlottesville enjoys community and relationships.

*PUBLISH: Don’t be boring. Word from MJ: do not put your favorite quote on twitter! Asking a question is good, posting photos, make it interesting, make it personal.

*Tagging is good because then it shows up on not only your FB page, but the FB page of the person/biz you tagged!

*Let’s “Tweetup!” Done deal… Betty needs to have a tweet up at Beer Run… Soon. TBA!

Thanks, Marijean! Can’t wait to implement on my own with Better World Betty and the Challenge AND see what the attendees come up with. Don’t forget, everyone. Post your “One Cool Thing” picture that you’ve done with the Challenge and the one with the most “Likes” will get a free Betty T-shirt! (Let’s have a personal powwow soon!)

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