Sunday, August 28, 2011

What's on Betty's Bookshelf?

Starting off the Sunday slow with some great reads, so I thought I'd share!

I feel remiss that some of these are still on the shelf, but hey, I need to give myself a break. Starting a non-profit, or any ground-up endeavor for that matter, as well as being a single-mother of two active boys doesn't leave a whole lot of free time, ya know?!

Ecology of Commerce by Paul Hawken. With the recent kick-off of the Better Business Challenge I was excited to get inspired by the pioneer of sustainaiblity in business. This book will continue to inspire change for generations...

Same can be said of Cradle-to-Cradle by Cville's own Michael Braungart and William McDonough which I feel totally embarassed admitting this publically: I'm still not finished with this important work. (Points for honesty?)

The Better World Handbook Small Changes That Make A Big Difference by Ellis Jones, Ross Haenfler and Brett Johnson I found this book ten years ago and refer to it often. Instrumental in creating the vision for Better World Betty.

Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky. A bunch of great ideas on turning vision to reality and creating action-oriented methods for making ideas a reality.

The Nonprofit Board ANSWER BOOK. Borrowing this from Center for Non-Profit Excellence. Next 18 months Betty's transitioning from an advisory board to a governing/working board. Betty's growing up!

I just cracked open: Getting Things Done by David Allen. A friend of mine says this one's a must for busy multi-taskers like myself.

Fostering Sustainable Behavior by Doug McKenzie-Mohr. Read this several years ago - relevant, helpful, inspiring.

Always on the shelf: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Nothing short of life-changing.

Just purchased: highly recommended If the Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl. that's for a different blog...

Still want to read: LOADS of books! Including...

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus

Better Bylaws (yawn) I'm sure it has important infomation

and with a name like Betty, how can one go wrong with this humorous guidebook:
Backcountry Betty by Jennifer Worick. A "Tongue-in-cheek wilderness manual for women who appreciate nature but prefer to maintain their coiffure while interacting with it" I'm pretty OK with an unshowered do, but could be funny!


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