Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today's "What would Betty do?" Question...

Dear Betty,
The place out in Ivy no longer takes paint, according to its Web site. Where can I throw out a bunch of cans of paint around here?
The Helpless Homemaker trying to clean out her basement!

Dear Helpless Homemaker,

Thanks for caring! Fewer and fewer places take paint in Charlottesville. But good news! You do have some options:

This Saturday is Household Hazardous Waste Special Collections Day from 9-2pm at Ivy MUC.

Call Discovery Museum and see if they need any paint.

You can also call CHS and or Albemarle High School (or otherdrama depts (they use paint) or recycle that a t Vanderlinde Recycling at Zion Crossroads!

If you find more stuff in your basement, you can take it to Househould Hazardous Waste Special Collection Day. Some of the things they are taking are:

and more... Check out www.rivanna.org

Hope that helps!

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