Saturday, April 12, 2008

Great questions at Whole Foods' Earth Day Event

How do I help my church "go green"?

Where do I recycle paint in Greene County?

Where can I learn about gray H2O collection?

Can you give me the Do's and Don'ts list of composting?

What is the best website when it comes to learning about precautions to take with pesticide use (because our neighbor, a vineyard, sprays their grapes and I don't know where to leave the windows in our house open or what other things we can/should do)?

What should I do if one of my CFL light bulb breaks in my home?

These are some of the excellent "Ask Betty" questions I received today at Whole Food's Earth Day Event.

Please stay tuned to my blog (and hopefully I will eventually have an enhanced "ask Betty" page on the website) for the answers to these important questions!

In the meantime, thank you so much to everyone who stopped by the Betty booth and doned a beautiful sticker and signed up for the monthly newsletter (email: and had interesting and encouraging things to say!


(p.s. The photo: Me with Bob and Michelle, owners of a "farmette" in Madison County. Betty connected them to a E.A.T. Local's listserv!)

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