Monday, November 19, 2007

Going Green Diary: entry #2

My friend asked me a very legitimate question the other day - why can't the County (and the Rivanna Waste Authority) offer more than just the recycling of number 1 and number 2 plastics?

A-ha. Great question. One that I plan on pursuing. (Hopefully details on that will follow in later entries)

One way I intend to do that is to attend the December 4th meeting of the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority at the City Council Chambers from 6-7:30pm. The waste authority wants to get residents' opinions on recycling and other solid waste services in the County and Charlottesville. And I will be happy to share mine. (Mabye I'll take my low-VOC paint and put "Albemarle County wants curbside recycling!" on a big piece of cardboard) The consultants will then draft a waste management plan and deliver it to the RSWA board.

Many of my neighbors and friends have expressed a sincere desire to recycle, but find themselves bogged down by the time and space it takes to haul their items, and sometimes just give up.

I would like to see the county take as concerted and committed effort as we have seen in the city with their new their extended curbside recycling service (see and lofty recycling goals (50%).

Currently I am trying to avoid plastics #3-#7, but when I can't I take them to UVA's recycling park, which accepts them and hope that's ok with them. :-)


1 comment:

Lucy said...

I can't believe that Cville still doesn't have curbside recycling. Here in San Antonio we do (thank goodness) and I just looked up what we can recycle the other the day and we can recycle plastics #1-#7!! I was amazed, especially considering we live in Texas!